Posts in running
Adventures of the High Coast

Do you enjoy the outdoors, adventure and a community atmosphere? This is the place you want to be. FriluftsByn, the Swedish outdoor village, located in the High Coast, a UNESCO world heritage site has all that to offer and more. Read about the High Coast Trail run, the various adventures you can do around there and the real reason I keep coming back to this unique place.

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Why does running make you happy?

“Once I have that new house, a loving partner or another job, I’m sure I will be happy.” We all have had moments that we thought external influences could make us happier. These things that exist outside ourselves, and lie outside of our control, might make us feel a bit better in the moment, but are not involved when it comes to true happiness. True happiness only comes from within, whether you look at it from a scientific perspective or more philosophical. When you do not feel happy at the moment, I hope you can find comfort knowing that happiness is within your reach.

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Paris Marathon ‘19

Marathon running is gaining popularity. Every year more runners, and non runners, are signing up to run this majestic distance. The more people achieve this challenge, the more attainable it seems to become. And the more people believe that running a marathon can be done with little to non training… And I contribute to that believe, by running my last marathon seemingly untrained.

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Coast to Coast, ultra run

The journey of 7 women from 7 countries completing an incredible coast to coast adventure. Crossing from Dubai to the Oman Coast in just four days, the runners completed an exhausting 180km – the equivalent of running four marathons in four days. Battling bustling cities, dangerous mountains and intense desert heat.

“The number of impressions and emotions exceed the four days we have had. More than your regular four days anyway.”

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